Traditional Okinawan Gojuryu Karate 4-8y
Service Description
Karate was developed in Japan after many centuries of evolution in the orient. It is an art that requires a great level of both mental and physical discipline from its students. Karate is considered to be one of the most highly refined forms of exercise today. The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in winning the fight, but rather in the perfection of the student’s character. As in all traditional Japanese arts, the object of Karate is found in the way in which student strives to develop themselves through the systematic training of their mind, body and spirit to the height of human potential. Karate is manifested in the expression of the power and movements: its method is the disciplined use of the entire body, defensive movements of blocking, striking, punching and kicking. Karate is not merely a form of self-defense. It is also a method of self-awareness. The complete mental control required to master the physical movements, and the effort and discipline put forth in the harmonising of the mind and body, lay the foundation for development of good citizenship and strong character. Karate is an art that can benefit all.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
YOU MUST CANCEL CLASS 12 HOURS IN ADVANCE OR YOU WILL BE DEDUCTED THAT CLASS. This includes switching time slots under the 12-hour notice time period. You may cancel class through our online system or by calling Body Language reception directly.
Contact Details
Body Language - Dubai - United Arab Emirates